Government have committee not commitment for farmers
7 Feb, 2023
“I am confident that my dream will come true. My dream is your dream. My dream is with your dream. What is my dream? My dream is that by 2022, when the country celebrates its 75th independence day, the income of farmers should double,” - Prime Minister Modi, February 2016
In April 2016, the government set up the Committee for Doubling on Farmer's Income, which was headed by Ashok Dalwai. After 48 months of deliberations, the Committee submitted its findings in 14 volumes. Even after such a massive exercise, farmer income remained flat or even decreased in many states. For instance, the average income of a farm household in Jharkhand decreased from 7,068 to 4,895. It decreased in Madhya Pradesh from 9,740 to 8,339. So, Basically, Government have passed time of 2-3 years on the name of committee to duck the questions on the farmers income.
However, I do not wish to discuss the Ashok Dalwai committee in this blog. I will discuss about anther committee announced by the PM Modi for the farming.
On 19th November 2021, On the auspicious day of the Guru Nanak Jayanti, PM Addressed the nation and announced to repealed all three controversial farming law. In his same speech, PM announced to form a new committee to discuss the subject of the MSP, Natural farming etc.
एमएसपी को और अधिक प्रभावी और पारदर्शी बनाने के लिए,
ऐसे सभी विषयों पर, भविष्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए, निर्णय लेने के लिए, एक कमेटी का गठन किया जाएगा।
इस कमेटी में केंद्र सरकार, राज्य सरकारों के प्रतिनिधि होंगे, किसान होंगे, कृषि वैज्ञानिक होंगे, कृषि अर्थशास्त्री होंगे: PM (2/2)
Eight months after announcing the committee , the Centre has set up a 29-member committee on 12 July 2022. ( All non official member have link/inclination towards government/BJP) . This committee have met/organize workshop only for 6 times between July 2022 to 7 December 2022. ( Full 25 member committee met only thrice)
The Interesting things about this committee is that - Ministry have none of following information about committee :
>> Minutes of meeting of committee is not available.
>> Copy of the suggestions/report made/submit by the committee/sub group to the Ministry is not available.
> > NO information about the date fix by the Ministry for the committee to submit final report.
I filed an RTI and sought information above mention points. Ministry of agriculture replied that, No information available to them about it. However, Ministry informed that, Rs.1,03,239 Rupee spend behind this committee.
This is the state of affairs of the committee announced by none anther but by prime minister himself to deliberate the sensitive subject like MSP and Natural farming. It has been 15 months of the announcement of the committee but report of the committee is nowhere. Implementation is far dream.
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