Two men accompanying Gujarat conman Kiran Bhai Patel, who posed as a senior official of the Prime Minister's Office, have been called for questioning by the Jammu and Kashmir police, sources said. One of them, Amit Hitesh Pandya, is the son of an official in Gujarat Chief Minister's office
Sandesh newspaper of the Gujarat Reported that :
Amit Pandya ( Son of the PRO of the CM Gujarat) and Conman Kiran pandya planned to do business of CCTV in Jammu And Kashmir.
Hitesh Padya, Public Relations Officer at the Gujarat Chief Minister's office reported to said that :
"I have much, much trust on my son. He would never indulge in any such activities," said Mr Pandya. "I don't know what the police have written about him. I would not like to comment on anything which I don't know. If had any solid information I would have certainly shared with you," he added.
Now Amit pandya has been arrested by the police. This side of story suggest that amit may involve in some wrongdoing.
But on On twitter, @keetliwado have written detailed thread of tweets about fraudster Kiran patel in year 2021. ( Can read thread of tweets in english here) . The Modus operandi is straightforward: Kiran Patel defrauded ordinary people by using the names of BJP officials and phtotoes with BJP officials. This side of story suggest that the Amit pandya may have fallen in trap of conman kiran padnya.
It is not wise to make assumptions about what is true at this time. In this blog, I am presenting a few photographs with context , leaving it up to the reader to take their own judgements.
Conman Kiran Patel tweeted this on 17 September 2015
Hope You have read the name of organization National first foundation in twitter bio of the Amit Pandya and In tweet of the conman Kiran patel.
Now let move ahead.
Here are the some tweets of the fraud Kiran patel about the Nation first foundation.
As per the Facebook post of the Nation first foundation, The founder of this organization is Hitesh Pandya.
On 14 Jnaury 2014, This organization held Manthan Shibir in Porbander. In this meeting, the conman can be seen in multiple pictures uploaded on Facebook page of the organization.
Here is some more pictures of the conman of that event.
I looked through the photos that this organisation posted to Facebook. Several images depict conman Kiran Patel. He isn't on stage, though, in any image. He is not seen shaking hands with the founder or his son in any image. That suggests that he is more inclined to volunteer his time than to take on leadership responsibilities for the organisation.
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